"Riches are Free" is a song and story album about people uniting for the common good.
You are invited to download the album for free and may also make physical copies of the album and distribute them on a free, barter or donation-basis.
By subverting the traditional models of music distribution, the hope is that these songs can spark conversations that wouldn't otherwise happen and offer any person a source of income and sense of belonging.
To learn more about Will and his endeavors, visit www.WilliamBorgSchmitt.com
You are invited to download the album for free and may also make physical copies of the album and distribute them on a free, barter or donation-basis.
By subverting the traditional models of music distribution, the hope is that these songs can spark conversations that wouldn't otherwise happen and offer any person a source of income and sense of belonging.
To learn more about Will and his endeavors, visit www.WilliamBorgSchmitt.com